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Unlock the Future of Security Governance: Explore Gutsy's Powerful Process-Centric Views and Automated Actions

Transform your security governance with process-centric data

John Morello | February 5, 2024

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Gutsy's mission is to transform security governance with process-centric data. Our 24.02 release delivers powerful new features to help security leaders better analyze how their people, processes, and technologies work so they can take action to deliver the outcomes they need.

Snapshots: Freeze Process Data for Simplified Auditing

Gutsy continuously ingests events from the tools and teams in your security workflows and automatically correlates them into a process-centered data model. This data set gives you a live view into how all your processes work. New cases and events are added to the model as they happen.

Sometimes, though, it’s helpful to be able to freeze data from a particular time period for analysis, auditing, or reporting purposes. Snapshots make it easy for you to do just that, while Gutsy continues to always collect live data at the same time.

Master security audits and data experimentation with the snapshot capability

Learn more about snapshots

Views: Granular Filters Configure Alerts and Actions for Easier Customization

Gutsy is a powerful business intelligence (BI) tool built specifically for security leaders. With any BI tool, filtering is a key capability to drill down into data to answer hard questions. In 24.02, Gutsy enhances filtering capabilities with views.

Views allow you to create, save, and reuse multivariate searches across Gutsy’s process-centric data model. Views are top level elements to examine your data from multiple perspectives simultaneously and can be applied to both live data and snapshots.

Process views streamline team collaboration

Learn more about views

Actions: Correct Processes Mid-Course

One of the most frequently requested features from our customers is the ability to take actions based on process state. Specifically, to be able to use Gutsy’s process centric data model to define guardrails for key security workflows and have Gutsy be able to automatically take actions when a process deviates off course. For example, you might wish to ensure that a process to offboard departed users follows each required step to fully remove the users’ access within some desired SLA time period.

With 24.02, Gutsy enables you to do just that. Define how desirable execution paths should look, and have Gutsy take actions when an execution doesn’t meet your requirements. These actions could include notifications like Slack or email messages, creating or changing a ticket in tools like JIRA and ServiceNow, or running software like a Lambda function or SOAR playbook.

Take action to correct security processes

Learn more about actions

Let us show you these new capabilities in action so you can better understand how applying process mining to cyber will transform your security governance strategy, reduce risk, and speed up your security outcomes.