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Gutsy's New Process Explorer Calculates the Cost of Manual Work

The power to quickly identify and calculate the costs of manual work is now in security leaders' hands

Maya Even-Shani | December 5, 2023

artistic image of manual work

As a security leader, your main objective is to reduce the organization’s attack surface as much as possible. Naturally, efficiency is a key part in achieving this goal. However, most security leaders struggle to even understand how their process actually works, let alone identify automation opportunities to increase their efficiency and coverage levels.

Without a doubt, the path to process improvements requires careful and cautious investments. Automation takes effort to create and maintain and it can be hard to identify the automation investments with the most promising return on investment (ROI).

Gutsy’s Process Explorer now gives you, not only the tools to understand how your process actually works, but also the power to quickly identify and calculate the costs of manual work. Using Gutsy’s automatic identification of manual work, security leaders can identify and quantify these weak spots, so as to prioritize the most costly and inefficient manual work segments and optimize the return on their investments.

Automatic identification of manual work

Knowing which steps are the greatest drain on your team and resources is invaluable, and Gutsy’s automatic identification of manual work is a handy tool to help address just that.

Instead of pouring over spreadsheets to identify which steps took longer than expected, Gutsy’s Process Explorer takes the pain out of the investigation. The handy automatic identification of manual work tool instantaneously highlights delayed connections directly on the process map, where they can be reviewed in context and their impact and cost immediately calculated.

Watch our new process explorer dashboard easily enable the identification of opportunities for automation

The investigation workflow is simple. Begin with the Gutsy Process Explorer, where a visual map depicts how your process really works across all its different variations. The process map shows all of the events involved in the process and the interconnections between them, making it simple to understand which steps are involved and how much time it takes to pass from one step to the next.

Next, turn on the automatic identification of manual work, an analytic layer added on top of the process map that flags longer connections that exceed a predetermined threshold. Reset the threshold to any length of time, whether seconds, minutes, or hours, to tailor it to the question at hand. Relevant connections with averages that exceed the threshold will be highlighted on the map and will be considered manual. Their times will be summed up to estimate the time lost per case and in aggregate, across all cases per variant.

Ready to compare results between variants and cases? To instantly discover which variants lost more time than others on manual work, select a few variants for comparison. The manual work estimates per variant will be shown.

Want to dig deeper and increase granularity? Turn on case filters to narrow the results and re-examine the data through Gutsy’s finer filtering capabilities. Using both filters and the manual work threshold, you will be able to ask your data which teams showcased better performance, which projects are the greatest drain, and more.

This short video shows the Process Explorer in action

Making the case for automation

Garnering support for automation investments is a leading concern among CISOs today, and what can better serve the cause than good old data. Gutsy’s visuals and suggestions help you advocate for the resources you and your team require.

Let us show you how the new automatic identification of manual work will help you collect the data you need to advocate for greater investments in process automation.